Star Wars Complete Saga Blu-ray Review

I've never owned a Blu-ray player and said I would only buy one when Star Wars came out on it. So when they announced that the Blu-rays were coming I picked one up about week early along with X-Men First Class and Inception. Both movies I really enjoyed. However, I was not impressed with the Blu-ray quality . It looked good, but for the huffing and puffing about how good Blu-ray is supposed to look, I was underwhelmed. Now I was worried. Would Star Wars disappoint me the way these movies had? 

A note on the changes Lucas has made.

Do I hate that Han shoots first? Yes. Since 1997. Do I hate all the extra CG scenes? No, in fact I really like some of them (not the one with Jabba in Ep IV). Some of the changes in 1997 I disagree with and some I like. The same goes for the Blu-rays. The changes don't take away from the story at all and don't make these movies any less enjoyable to watch. On to the review!

The moment I saw the Star Destroyer fly over top in the opening scene of A New Hope, I knew I would be satisfied with the quality of this Blu-ray. By the end, I was not only satisfied, I was impressed and loving every second. You could see all the details in R2D2's metallic body, the scuff marks on the equipment, the individual hairs on Luke's head. It was awesome! It was hard to imagine that this movie was made in the 70's, it looked great.

The prequels looked just as good. As most of Episodes I-III are CG, the details were stunning and almost hard to tell they weren't practical parts of a set. I even forgot that they remade Yoda in Ep I in CG instead of a puppet. Normally Episode I  is my least favorite for reasons I won't get into, but on Blu-ray, the pod racing scene really comes to life. The sound was awesome and even on my rinky dink sound setup, there was a noticeable improvement when compared to DVD or my usual iTunes HD movies.

All in all I am extremely happy with my decision to pick the Star Wars saga up on Blu-ray. They look amazing, sound great, and there are so  many extras it's friggin ridiculous! If you're a Star Wars fan and own a Blu-ray player, you are doing yourself an injustice by not picking these up.
